Sunday, June 24, 2012

Meet Rickie...

Rickie Nichol is the 3rd of 4 children of Herman and 
Evelyne Black. Their dad passed away in 1981 and 
later Evelyne married Ken Fletcher, my dad. 
Ted and Rickie Nichol and their 2 sons, David and Matt,
and their families live in the Tri-cities of Pasco, 
Kennewick and Richland, WA.  They enjoy the semi-
arid climate with its abundant water sports, camping, 
and fishing within driving distance of their home.   Ted 
enjoys computers, riding his Gold Wing and model 
railroading.  Rickie enjoys family history,  quilting, 
machine embroidery, and all kinds of crafting. 
We hope you enjoy the photos of the globes Rickie recently made.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Welcome to my rainy day kitchen ...

This is the view from my kitchen window
It is an overcast and rainy day.  Me and the dogs are keeping busy inside.  As you can see I have plenty of kitchen help. 

That view of the hills and mangos above is what I see from my kitchen sink... not a bad view from a scullery, heh?  I can wash dishes and lose myself in the beauty of the day.

My kitchen is on the 3rd floor - a long way to carry groceries but worth it. Wally built me an electric lift for the really heavy loads.

This is where we eat.  The veranda is open to the outside with lots of plants and herbs, a thoroughfare for butterflies and hummingbirds and always a breeze from the mountains behind us or the ocean in front.

It's like living in a tree-top only on a day like today it's nice and dry. 

Wally built the house after we married. Mostly my job was to take care of him while he worked.  The kitchen moved from room to room until we got to the roof and that's where we wanted it to stay.  It has a panoramic view of mountains and the Pacific.  He gave me to the best kitchen ever - a kitchen I hate to leave.  Pretty smart guy. 

Front view from the veranda - the village of Aticama and the Bay of Matanchen.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Meet Kevin...

Okay, it's not a common name for a dog.  And it's not a name that ends in "-ie" like ALL our other rescued dogs.  And this makes 8...  NOW my son says I've got a problem... I know, I know.  He can't reconcile the mom with white furniture to the mom with a crazy amount of dogs.

But, my excuses are you have to live here to understand.  It's a harsh world.  Also, I have a husband who will NOT turn away from suffering no matter how inconvenient or gross or what variety of life form.  He is my shining hero. I just follow  -  mostly fearfully and reluctantly.  I want to turn my face away but then I watch him and I want to help and that's how it happens that we take home another ragamuffin... named Kevin.  

I never regret it.

Another hero, Joan Chittister says, "Everyday the suffering of the world look to the secure of the world to save them from even more disaster. It is not our job to work miracles but it is our task to try."  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Another start...

Well, it's been a year since we last blogged and like many areas where one lags the best thing to do is just start again.

I feel inspired to pick up on the blog because my sister and I spent the first week of June with my dad's wife and her family...our crazy, fun family! I really love and enjoy these folks and I want to keep growing up along side them. This is one way I hope to do that.

There are other folks who are important to us in addition to our families. There are friends, some who may not realize how much a part of our ordinary days they are, how alive they are in our thoughts, how affection can keep growing despite the time and distance.

It's important to maintain these connections because in the REAL economy it is people and a shared history that make us live richly.  The reason for slow living is to savor and nurture what is truly important and learn from it.

I had a realization while I was with my family:  they knew a different man than I knew most of my life.  The one they knew was a happy man. I think that Dad was able to become more of himself with Evelyne, his wife.  I can recognize that because it's true for me with Wally.  Love and acceptance is a powerful and liberating force and it can bring out the best in us so we can grow.  Evelyne is abundant in that department and so it is like good medicine to be around her.  Her kids, my sisters and brother and their mates are made of the same generous open-hearted material.  We had fun doing everything together, teasing and laughing the whole time and when it was over I came home with a brimming-to-the-top heart.  That's how my dad enjoyed his years and thrived with them and lucky for me I got to witness it and be a part of it.

So, it is with a big, fat, thankful heart that we blog again...